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Literature review – literature research

Literature review thesis: the art of Literature Research for your thesis

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can be both exhilarating and daunting. One essential component that often trips students up is the literature review. But what exactly is it, and why is it so crucial for your thesis?

What is a Literature Review?

A literature review synthesizes existing research relevant to your thesis topic. It involves analyzing and summarizing the work of scholars and researchers to provide context and support for your own argument. This isn’t just a mere summary; it’s about weaving a narrative that showcases the gaps in current research and highlights the significance of your study.

Why is it Important?

A comprehensive literature review allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the field. It shows that you are not only well-versed in existing literature but also able to position your research within the broader academic conversation. This adds credibility to your thesis and can inspire new ideas!

Do’s when doing literature research

  • Think of clear step-by-step questions that describe, explain and evaluate and ultimately lead to a predetermined goal (hypothesis, preconditions, etc.)
  • Make a selection of the literature you want to use and process this literature with index cards.
  • Make a clear outline of the course of the chapter and try to form key phrases that guide the design of a (sub) paragraph.
  • Wait as long as possible with writing.

Dont’s when doing literature research

  • Too few sources
  • Too many old / irrelevant sources
  • No clearly formulated sub-questions
  • No goal (hypotheses, benchmarks, conceptual model, etc.


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